AaltoTEXTILES is a network linking all textile-material related activities within design, technology and business at Aalto University and showcasing the versatility and high artistic level of textile design at the School of Art, Design and Architecture.

AaltoTEXTILES acts as a facilitator for cross-disciplinary work in the context of sustainability and creativity.

AaltoTEXTILES is an active knowledge network generating new research projects and organizing collaboration with companies, both in the national and international context.

F/T Futures

The Fashion/Textile Futures research group explores new perspectives on human-centered design research. A strong research focus is on sustainable and circular fashion and textiles.


The main objective is to inspire students and researchers to explore biomaterials together and to create new concepts for the future use of cellulose and other biomaterials.


High-quality textile fibres from wood and other cellulosic materials
several projects since 2013

Multifunctional materials design

The Multifunctional Materials Design research group focuses on experimental studies of soft materials, as well as inorganic-organic hybrids.


The New Road to Silk: Bio-based production of silk-like materials
Academy of Finland 2017–2020


Autonomously adapting and communicating modular textiles

Beyond e-textiles

Nordic network on smart light-conversion textiles beyond electric circuits

Wearable Systems Lab

Wearable Systems Lab provides facilities for developing and testing prototypes of eTextiles-based wearable devices and augmented/virtual/mixed reality applications and devices.


Master’s Programme in Fashion, Clothing and Textile Design — Holistic thinking, creativity and innovation at the core of Fashion, Clothing and Textile Design

Aalto Fashion

A creative community that studies diverse aspects of fashion.


Aalto University’s spring fashion events have established their position in the world’s fashion, clothing and textiles sector.

28 May, 2021
online: aalto.fashion

Textiles Tomorrow Summit

The summit brings together an international network of textile educators to discuss the future of textiles and share their knowledge and expertise.

30 October – 31 October
+ 1 November, 2019
Aalto University, Espoo


The versatility and high artistry of textile design at Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture

21 – 27 May, 2018
Kaapelitehdas Turbiinisali, Helsinki


An open and collaborative space provides facilities for hands-on material lead exploration and making, student exhibitions, public lectures and events.



Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture
Department of Design
Fashion, Clothing and Textile Design

Maarit Salolainen
maarit.salolainen at aalto.fi
Associate Professor, Textile Design
Head of the MA Major in Fashion, Clothing and Textile Design

Kirsi Niinimäki
kirsi.niinimaki at aalto.fi
Associate Professor, Fashion Research
Head of F/T Futures

Pirjo Kääriäinen
pirjo.kaariainen at aalto.fi
Associate Professor, Design and Materialities 

Emmi Pouta
emmi.pouta at aalto.fi
post doc researcher in the F/T Futures research group
Aalto University School of Chemical Engineering (CHEM)

Michael Hummel
michael.hummel at aalto.fi
Associate professor
Head of Bioinnovation Center

Susanna Ahola
susanna.ahola at aalto.fi
Coordinator, Bioinnovation Center

Ali Tehrani
ali.tehrani at aalto.fi
Associate Professor, Textile Chemistry
Textile Chemistry and Design Minor

Jaana Vapaavuori
jaana.vapaavuori at aalto.fi
Assistant Professor, Functional Materials 
Head of Multifunctional Materials Design
Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering (ELEC)

Yu Xiao
yu.xiao at aalto.fi
Assistant professor, Mobile Cloud Computing
Aalto University School of Engineering (ENG)

Jouni Partanen
jouni.partanen at aalto.fi
Professor, Advanced Production Technologies

Sven Bossuyt
sven.bossuyt at aalto.fi
Associate Professor, Mechanics of Materials
Advanced Manufacturing and Materials
Aalto University School of Business (BIZ) 

Minor in Sustainable Fashion and Textile Management

Minna Halme
minna.halme at aalto.fi
Professor, Management
AaltoTEXTILES website platform 

Maarit Salolainen 
maarit.salolainen at aalto.fi
Associate Professor, Textile Design