The main objective is to inspire students and researchers to explore biomaterials together and to create new concepts for the future use of cellulose and other biomaterials.

Fashion/Textiles Futures
The Fashion/Textile Futures research group explores new perspectives on human-centered design research. A strong research focus is on sustainable and circular fashion and textiles.

Multifunctional materials design
The Multifunctional Materials Design research group focuses on experimental studies of soft materials, as well as inorganic-organic hybrids.

Bioinnovation center
Bioinnovation Center’s target is to accelerate the transition to a circular economy and bioeconomy, and to create opportunities for sustainable economic growth in Finland.
Bio-based dyes and pigments for colour palette
Academy of Finland, Strategic funding 2019–2025
Crops4Luxury – Peltoluksus
Searching the value chain and the formation of new luxury from woad, a plant which provides blue natural colour
Sitra 2018–2019
Digital textile printing, product-service systems, and network type of doing business
DIGItex, Tekes 2013–2014
Digiprintnetwork, Tekes 2015–2017
Designing cellulose for the future
Tekes 2013–2018
Sustainable textile systems: Co-creating resource-wise business for Finland in global textile networks
Academy of Finland, Strategic funding 2019-2025
Unveiling the full potential of lignocellulose
Academy of Finland’s Flagship program since 2018.
Biobased water repellency for textiles
Aalto University 2017–2018

High-quality textile fibres from wood and other cellulosic materials
several projects since 2013

Beyond e-textiles
Nordic network on smart light-conversion textiles beyond electric circuits

Autonomously adapting and communicating modular textiles

The New Road to Silk: Bio-based production of silk-like materials
Academy of Finland 2017–2020
RIB – Rhythms in Infant Brain
Wearables for computational diagnostics and mobile monitoring of treatment
Academy of Finland 2017-2020
Sun-Powered Textiles
An efficient, technically feasible, durable, and aesthetic design for integrating solar cells with textiles to provide energy-autonomous operation for wearable electronics and smart textile applications
Business Finland, 2019–2021
Touch Interwoven
Woven e-textile as an interface between physical and digital worlds
Aalto University, CEAMA/Business Finland & DEBARE/ATTRACT 2017–2022
Designing high-value products from zero-value waste textiles and fibres via design
EU Horizon 2015–2018